New Series! Come check it out.

Does this picture remind you of anything? Sam reaching down for Frodo hanging over the fires of Mount Doom? The first time you jumped into the deep end without your swimmies on? A pretty good rendition of Stephen Cahill?

Does it represent our great desire to be rescued from the swirl of our lives? I sure don't know all the answers even for myself let alone all the possible challenges you face. But together, let's wrestle with some of the questions. Let's reach with all we have to the outstretched hand of one who is reaching down to us. Let's grasp for his promises. Let's live out of the resources of an eternal kingdom, not out of the limits and emptiness of this temporal world. The scriptures call us to live in this world but not be of it. How do we do that?

This should be an interesting series. I know I'm looking forward to it...and I barely know what I am going to share. But I do know that God offers us the opportunity to live above brokenness of this world. I do know that as we seek it, specifically, as we seek him, we will find him when we seek him with all our heart. Let's go seeking...