
To live is Christ. To die is gain.
How can life compare to eternity?
Eternity is NOT an extension of life or time or existence.
That is only infinity.

Eternity? What is it?
Is life a window into eternity?
Is eternity you, God?
Is the word of God eternity?
Is eternity infinitely big and infinitely small?

Is eternity what Jacob contended for?
Is eternity what Esau was unwilling to contend for?

Eternity is holy, pure
It has to be, because anything impure, unholy, tainted
leads to decay, death

Is Jesus marked by the cross for all eternity?
Is eternity love, or is love eternity?

- I'd love to hear your comments -


Cathy said...

Eternity is knowing - knowing God, knowing the truth.
Knowing, finally, without any shadow of doubt or fear, that you are loved; loved beyond all imagining.
Eternity is knowing who you are and Who He is.
All the shadows flee and you begin at last to grasp and understand the enormity of LIFE.
And you never, ever, ever want it to end.

That's a bit of it anyway....i