What The World Needs Now

I watched the movie The Soloist. Granted it was on a plane, so my viewing quality and personal attention was less than ideal, but this is what I saw. The movie is a true story about a LA Times reporter who befriends a homeless man. The appeal is that the homeless man is an amazing musician, and he's been diagnosed with mental illness. The result is a volatile mix of moving interludes and rash reactions.

Throughout the movie religion is presented as a cold, uncompassionate, empty form insisted upon by simple-minded people. However, the inspirational hope of redemption that is available for both the homeless man and the reporter is through the saving grace of relationship. It is the channel for both awakening the heart (the reporter) and clearing the mind (the homeless man).

As I watched, I felt sad. Is it true that the world's view of religion stands in direct opposition to life-giving relationship? Is it true of all religion? Have we all failed to reveal the God who so desperately wants to be in relationship with us that he laid down his own life for us? Is there no distinction between empty formality religion and genuine born again transforming Christianity? How does the world see me and what I profess? What I live, what I've become?

As I watched, I also was encouraged. I saw a worldview that clearly grasped the power of relationship. I was challenged by it. How can we bring the greatest relationships, the truly transforming relationship with God and his body the church? How can we bring the eternal relationship to those who are endlessly seeking? How can we introduce a loving life-giving God to a world desperate for that very relationship?


MW said...

You wrote, "How can we bring the greatest relationships, the truly transforming relationship with God and his body the church? How can we bring the eternal relationship to those who are endlessly seeking? How can we introduce a loving life-giving God to a world desperate for that very relationship?" In one sense, we can't! Let's look at two situations: Moses' encounters with the Egyptians (circa 1446 B.C.) and the Great Tribulation (sometime in the future). In both cases--past and future--God Himself massively breaks through the thin membrane that separates the natural and supernatural worlds, sends strong messages to the world, judges the world with terrifying punishments for its wickedness, and still the world rejects Him. But a few gentiles sided with God back then (Exodus 12:38), and some gentiles will side with God during the Great Tribulation (Matthew 25:33-40). So, although the world system itself is intractable, but a few people are willing to break free from the bondage of the world and accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord (1 John 5:4-5).

Unknown said...

Hi Wes,
I believe that part of the reason that the world's view of religion doesn't see the life-giving relationship with the Lord is because it really isn't taught that way. I grew up Episcopal, went to a Catholic high school and went to a Catholic church for a while. Not until I came to Wellspring was I introduced to the idea that a relationship with Jesus was life-giving and lifesaving in some instances. My life has become much less empty since I came to understand, and accept a relationship with our Lord.
The fact that the world sees religion in this light gives all the more purpose to Pastor Rick's apostolic calling and need for us all to profess what we believe. It's time for an apostolic stimulus plan.

kimberly said...

like this - apostolic stimulus plan; should be in scripture somewhere :-)