Who do you want to be?
2010. That's a strange year to say, isn't it? Do we say 20 10? 2000 10? or just '10? Anyway...
I was thinking about that old favorite, the new year's resolution. Actually, I've never been a fan. I honestly can't remember any resolutions I've ever made. I suspect there have been some, I just can't remember. I guess they weren't too significant.
Maybe it's because the focus is a little off. Should our greatest resolutions be about what we are able to willpower into reality? Should our goals be summed up in do's and don'ts?
Shouldn't our resolves be about who we are? Our character, our views, our life decisions? If those are our resolves, will they naturally begin to translate into our decisions, our do's and don'ts?
What is your resolve this year?