Wellspring of Life

"I like the name Wellspring. Where does it come from?" Susan, one of our dear friends from Uganda sat in our living room last night and asked me that question.  Interesting timing, since I'll be talking about that topic this Sunday. Do you know that in a previous generation our church was called Elim? Do you know what Elim is, or where Elim is in the Bible? And, how does that connect with Wellspring?

What is a wellspring, anyway?  The scriptures say, "With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation."  Jesus also reminds his followers, "Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him."  There is ample imagery throughout the Bible that speaks of the depths of God's presence and the flow of God's kingdom.

We have hung the word Wellspring over our door, but are we experiencing its reality? Is our wellspring life-giving? Does our wellspring produce a kingdom's flow? This Sunday I will share some thoughts about who we are and who we believe the Lord has called us to be. I encourage you to join us at one of our services for this discussion, and so much more.