Ending the Saturday at 5 Service

The Wellspring Lead Team has decided to end the Saturday @ 5 service. The last two Saturday @ 5 services will be this Saturday, Christmas Eve and next Saturday, New Year's Eve. The Saturday @ 5 services will not continue in January. We know a number of you have made Saturday @ 5 your primary worship service and many others of you have served in many capacities, from the bands to childcare to greeters and more. Wellspring has been blessed by your service and the Lead Team personally thanks you. Let us share some of the thinking behind this decision and thoughts about what we see emerging from the change.

A primary reason for starting the service was the need for more room, as our Sunday services, classrooms and parking lot were beginning to overflow. Currently we do not have this concern, and we will be able to accommodate all our ministries on Sunday morning. Saturday @ 5 was a small service, but that fact by itself was not really a concern. A small service can be wonderful. In fact, many Saturday @ 5 services were a blessed time together and with the Lord. The greater consideration was how much a third service was stretching our staff and ministry teams. Some of this stretching was valuable as it served to grow and include others in new areas. However, we witnessed that maintaining the third service required a lot of time, energy and effort. At times it limited our resources that would otherwise be available for other ministries. We had to take a serious look at the overall impact of maintaining a third worship service.

The Lead Team, the staff, and the congregation also have many ideas and desires for developing Wellspring's ministries further, many we feel are the Lord's promptings. We believe that ending the Saturday @ 5 service will actually allow us to advance our ministries. We now have developed teams and individuals who are ready and eager to serve. We have long desired to increasingly extend our ministry beyond our local church. By freeing up staff, a prime evening, and teams such as bands, we can envision ministry teams going out to other locations or hosting different worship events here. Basically, we are making room for opportunities.

Our desire as part of God's Kingdom is to be the best stewards we can of the resources and giftings the Lord has placed within us and our people. We trust that this shift will allow us to both steward well and better serve both this congregation and the Body of Christ at large. May we be an epicenter of the vibrations of the Kingdom.

The Wellspring Lead Team

My Personal Year End Review

Each December Pam and I review our tithes for the calendar year. It's very easy to miss some giving throughout the year, so we want to make sure we've given at least our full tithe and honor any other commitments we’ve made. As we were doing this again this year, I felt prompted to share our perspective with you. I also recently shared this with our staff and elders as well, as it is important that we lead by putting our faith into action. This is a personal note to share with you something extremely important to me, but it is also foundational to Wellspring.

Giving, and specifically tithing (giving to the Lord a tenth of our income), is much more than a percentage. It is a posture of humility and gratitude. For me, I know God provides all I need. More significantly, this means I truly have no fear or doubt about provision. I am always confident in the Lord and at genuine peace. There is nowhere else I want to be. There's nowhere else I'll choose to live.

I also know without a doubt that tithing (and giving in general) keeps my heart and mind in the proper relationship with God. It keeps an open channel to the flow of God's provision and his love. It allows me to be a steward of God's resources here on earth. There is no end to his resources and there is no better place than in the middle of his care. This is not a matter of how much we have, but how much we trust the Lord to be our provider.

As your pastor, I want the best for you. I want you to enjoy that same confidence of provision and the peace it brings. Pam and I have truly learned to rely on it. The challenge is to hold to this perspective on tithing and not let it slip from consciousness. The principle of tithing is not about being comfortable. It's about honoring God and recognizing he is our ultimate provision and peace. That is why, in a very practical step, Pam and I always use December to check our records for the year. We want to make sure we're staying true to our belief and make sure our giving honors God. Sometimes it stretched our faith, but whenever we stretch our faith, we always find God faithful.

I love the family of Wellspring, and I take seriously the responsibility to shepherd this ministry. We all know there have been financial challenges this past year. We are grateful that with committed giving, necessary adjustments, and most of all God’s faithfulness, we are ending the year covering all our expenses and maintaining all our ministries. For this we praise God and we thank you. We will continue to put our confidence in the Lord and his purposes for Wellspring. May your personal faith and trust in God continue to grow deep roots, so that your life in him will be full and complete.