How Well Are You Grounded?
We have been experiencing pinhole leaks in our water pipes ever since we moved into our house nine years ago. These are tiny little leaks in the pipes where the copper has corroded all the way through, and a fine spray of water begins to wet our basement or floor or wherever the leak may occur. Recently the frequency of our pipes springing new leaks has increased. After changing pipe after pipe and cleaning up puddle after puddle, we began digging deeper into the source of the corroding pipes. One theory was that electrolysis was causing the pipes to corrode at an accelerated rate. This could possibly happen if the pipes were not properly grounded.
Upon inspection, the electrician said the pipes are not grounded at all. How could this house have passed inspection? How could it have been built this way? He said that without being ground the whole house was "floating". He proceeded to properly ground the pipes, and now we will wait and see if this affects our corrosion problem and our many leaks.
We use the term well-grounded fairly often. We understand the term and its implication. Whether it's being well-grounded physically with a firm foundation, or whether it's well-grounded electrically completing the circuit, we understand it provides stability and safety. The scripture says without a firm foundation we will be tossed back and forth by the waves of the latest teaching or the lies of others (Ephesians 4:14). It was interesting to me that the election used the word "floating", which immediately reminded me of this verse. A portion of the infrastructure of our house lacked a firm foundation, and therefore was floating and vulnerable to whatever current came its way.
We have been living in this house for nine years. We have never felt or noticed there was anything wrong beneath the surface. Yet, the consequences continue to reveal themselves: a pinhole leak here, another one there. Eventually you have to look at the cause. What is not right with our foundation? In this case, our house was not well-grounded.
We can always spend a great amount of time and energy looking for the cause and problem behind every single circumstance or problem we experience. I don't feel this is a very productive or beneficial way to approach life. However, when a pattern persists, and the reason is not obvious, then it is wisdom to start digging deeper. What is not right in our foundation? Where are we not well-grounded? Where are we just floating, allowing ourselves to be vulnerable to the waves of false teachings and lies? A problem is one thing, a pattern of the same problem repeated over and over should cause us to start asking the deeper questions.