Radical Hearts
The LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Genesis 2:7
We are created in the image of God. We know that does not mean we look like God from the outside in our human form. Rather, in some way within our spirit we possess the likeness of God. The life that is within all human beings carries the essence of the God who breathed life into existence. (the original Hebrew language of Genesis makes a clear distinction between this God-breath in humans and the creation of all other living beings.)
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Proverbs 4:23
Not only do we carry this essence of God in the breath of life within us, we are to live out of that wellspring. It will be the source of continued life! However, it is also clear that we have a choice. It's not automatic that our source will be pure. Guard your heart, we are instructed, because it is the wellspring of life. What happens if we don't guard our hearts? What life do we find coming forth when the likeness and essence of God deep in our spirit is not watched over and cared for, or guarded?
Are our hearts radical? As we discussed this past week, radical results are determined by the essence or root of something deep within. We all desire the radical results of a heart overflowing with wellsprings of God-breathed life. So what is our core? What are the roots or essence of the heart and spirit within us? Does it still carry the breath of God?
This week we will continue our Radical series by looking at our hearts. Join us for one of the weekend worship services, and bring your heart with you. The breath of God will be there to breathe his essence into our radical hearts.