Walking on water

In Matthew 14 we hear the account of Peter walking on water... or did he? Science would tell us that it is impossible for water to hold up a person. So, in this story do we need to dismiss science? Do we interpret the story to mean that if we have enough faith that we also can walk on water?

I believe that if we think that we can walk on water, we will surely fail.
I believe that if we think we can walk on God's Word, we will surely be victorious.

We don't need to, in fact shouldn't, dismissed science. That is, the genuine scientific approach to understanding-observation leading to truth. A false interpretation is that water held up Peter, so therefore, if I believe hard enough water will hold me up to. However, if we use the science we know then water cannot hold up a person. Therefore what did? It appears that it is the spoken word of God, in this case, Jesus' command to Peter. Note what Peter said: command me or order me to come to you. In essence: declare the word like a foundation for me to come to you, to walk on. This is extremely different than: help me squeeze my faith muscle so I can do the impossible.

From above comes the word, a declaration of God, which is greater than the reality of this world. It is the eternal invading the temporal. It is "your kingdom come".

What are the words of God that you are being invited to stand upon? Not someone else's word (like Peter's) but words for you. These can be specific words or universal words, but they are words for you. Let the greater reality of God's kingdom, his eternal kingdom, invade your world so that the impossible is made possible.

Any thoughts... Please share...


MW said...

Science can, as I understand it, only address things that are able to happen repeatedly under controlled conditions. Thus, science has nothing little to say about Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon, about the Emperor Claudius invading and conquering Britain, or about Abraham Lincoln's delivering the Gettysburg Address. These are historical, non-repeating events. A miracle (of the classic Exodus 14 sort rather than the one chance in one billion sort) is a non-repeating historical event in which the Creator of the universe temporarily suspends or modifies some of the rules that He normally uses. These temporary suspensions, like Lazarus being raised from the dead after decaying for several days (Martha saying to Jesus, "Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days" in John 11:39b is a classic line from Scripture!)lead to long term changes in the course of history. Lazarus kept on living after Jesus raised him to life, and the authorities started to plot against Lazarus (John 12:9-11)! So, technically, only God could tell us exactly how He made the molecules under Peter's feet behave as he walked on the sea. Science cannot, because the historical event recounted in Scripture isn't one that can be repeated by scientists.

MW said...

Wesley, could you give a rundown of all the healings that have taken place at your church in the last two years (no names are necessary, just the healings themselves)? The Christians of this world should document the verifiable healings the Lord does and trumpet them! We need to get this stuff out in the world's face so they can either rejoice or at least have to deal with the event. God does healings for His glory.