All Things New

Better than new. That is a phrase we have all heard, maybe even said at one time or another. What does it mean? How can something be "better than new"? When something is new it is ideal and ready to go. It is not tarnished or damaged or worn out. It is as good as it can get. It's as good as new.

We understand the phrase "better than new" to mean that something has been restored, refurbished, and quite possibly improved upon. Not only has the original luster returned, but the purpose and function are calling out to be activated. When this thing was new it was really good, but now look at it, wow, it's better than new!

Revelation 21 declares a new world. In this end-time vision we get a peek at the great magnitude of the comprehensive transformation the Lord has in store for all creation and for all those who take up his invitation to align themselves under his Lordship. He declares that the earth is new, the heavens are new. The residence or the society of humankind is new (new Jerusalem). And, the dwelling place of the Lord himself will be among the people. We will be his people and he will be our God. A covenant the Lord established from ages past will be fulfilled when all is made new.

However, this newness is not simply a buffing and polishing from the outside which makes everything gleam and glisten again. It is a newness from the inside out. There is no more pain, mourning or crying because there is no more reason for it to exist. There is such a transformation from the inside that even our worst enemy, death, will not exist.

This declaration of the ultimate transformation of all creation is contained in the simple expression of verse 5. The Lord himself, who sits on the throne and has authority over all he has created declares, "I am making everything new!" He isn't throwing out the old earth. He isn't so disgusted with society that he is casting it into oblivion. He isn't turning his back on humankind, you and me, made in his image. No, he's not throwing it away. Behold, he is making all things new. Not only will his creation's radiance return, but it will be so transformed from the inside that it will be declared new. Everything is being made new. Thank you Lord for it will be, better than new!